• Company law
  • Contract law (purchase contracts, contracts for work, and customer-vendor agreements)
  • E-commerce
  • Advising on transaction financing
  • Acquisitions, mergers, joint venture structures, and silent partnerships
  • Relations between members, shareholders, and corporate bodies
  • Register of public sector partners and the associated relationships
  • Advising on unfair competition
  • Dissolution of companies, in particular mergers and liquidations
  • Advising on all the aspects of employment matters
  • Representing clients in employment disputes
  • Collective employment relations
  • Drafting internal policies tailored to each client’s needs
  • Training employees and clients on matters of employment law
  • Consulting with employee representatives
  • Drafting IP-related contracts, including licence and franchise agreements
  • Defending IP rights against infringers
  • Resolving issues around exhaustion of intellectual property rights
  • Registering trademarks and designs, including representation before the EUIPO and the Industrial Property Office
  • Domain protection
  • Software law
  • Family law matters with an international aspect, including resolution of parental abductions
  • Advising and legal representation in divorces where children are involved
  • Advising and representation in matters of maintenance, custody, and parenting plans
  • Representation concerning approval of transactions on behalf of a minor child
  • Representation in matters concerning divorce recognition in Slovakia
  • Advising on every aspect of debt recovery and representation before courts and other authorities
  • Preparing letters before action
  • Drafting court applications and representation in court proceedings
  • Preparing applications and representation in enforcement proceedings
  • Advising on all issues related to personal data and data protection
  • Conducting data processing audits
  • Drafting personal data protection policies
  • Extensive experience negotiating and modifying collective agreements
  • Advising on collective bargaining
  • Mediation expertise, including as intermediaries and arbitrators in collective disputes
  • Collective employment relations
  • Legal relations with trade unions and employee councils
  • Training on how to work with employee representatives
  • Full range of advising and representation in commercial, civil, and administrative court proceedings before the general courts of Slovakia and the Czech Republic
  • Representation in arbitrations
  • Drafting pleadings
  • Preparing legal analyses
  • Out-of-court dispute resolution (including mediation)
  • Settlement agreements
  • Legal assistance in all aspects of protection of personality rights
  • Advising and recovering compensation for non-pecuniary loss in cases of violation of privacy in the course of providing healthcare
  • Representation in actions for non-pecuniary loss due to violation of privacy in road accidents
  • Full representation of suspects and defendants in criminal proceedings in Slovakia and the Czech Republic
  • Advising and representation of victims in criminal proceedings according to the Code of Criminal Procedure and asserting claims for compensation (including partie civile proceedings)
  • Legal assistance and representation in preparing criminal complaints, various applications, objections, appeals, and other motions in criminal proceedings
  • Assistance in obtaining compensation for victims of crime
  • We provide free legal services to the civil society organisation Pomoc obetiam násilia (Aid to Victims of Violence)
  • We regularly participate in the free legal aid programme organised by the Slovak Bar Association
  • We provide legal services through the Legal Aid Centre
  • Personal injury compensation
  • Compensation for non-pecuniary loss
  • Advising on general damages for pain and suffering and loss of amenity
  • Analyses and advising on patient rights
  • Advising on the advertisement of medicinal products and medical devices
  • Advising on aspects of price regulation of medicinal products
  • Advising on transfers of property ownership
  • Representation in cadastral procedures
  • recovery of damages
  • including injuries,
  • from incidents such as road accidents, recovery from third party liability insurance
  • legal assistance to public legal entities, in particular municipalities and cities
  • advice on administrative law
  • drafting internal documents and directives



We are like-minded attorneys with years of similar practice who decided the time was right to strike out on our own. Together, we are tackling new, modern challenges in the legal and business landscapes. Resolving legal issues with enthusiasm and creativity is our common bond, and our shared sense of humour can come in handy when we delve into a particularly intricate issue.


Are you starting a business or already running one in the Czech Republic? We are members of the Czech Bar Association and we can handle all your legal needs in the Czech law environment.


Need help with employment relations, social legislation or trade unions? Let us help you. We are also intermediators and arbitrators for collective bargaining.


Did you know that everyday products can merit dual protection? As both copyrights and designs. Ask us. We’re happy to advise you.

Contact us


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